Monday, October 10, 2005

Sometimes I Just Don't Know Where The Time Goes

It feels like it's been six weeks since my last update. I mean, even Kevin and Donna have updated in the past week and I've been a total slacker.

Luckily, I have an excuse. I've been busy. Pretty good excuse, eh?

Thursday Shane and I sat down and started working on our movie script. We have the first scene written and worked out a few more of the kinks in the story, so we're on our way. This thursday I'm planning to rewrite everything into the correct format and touch up what we've done so far. We both think this will be the best movie ever, so it has a lot to live up to. You'll see we were right on opening weekend -- which will probably start on a Wednesday sometime in 2007.

Friday night I went with Matt, Isaac, Rollie, and Seth to a Magic release tournament in Crossroads mall. It was fun to see the new cards (and pick some up), but the tourney didn't go well for me. I made a bad choice early on and it resulted in me not having any fun at all. See, I insisted on playing Red/White and I should have played White/Green. Oh well.

Saturday I cleaned and organized around the apartment, which was pretty fun, actually. And then went to a housewarming party at Jen and Hays' for the evening. It was another "Short Attention Span Film Festival" so everyone brought a short video clip or scene from a DVD and showed it on Hays' gratuitously large television. (By the way, most of the people I know out here seem to have gratuitously large televisions and I'm beginning to feel inadequate. So if you're wondering what I need for Christmas, the smart money is on a huge flatscreen television.)

Sunday I met with Shane and Cathy for comics, then hung out with them for a bit downtown before coming back for my first City of Heroes game in a couple of weeks.

Monday was work, and by work I mean I had meetings all day, then went to the doctor. I'm still alive.

More later.


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