Well, it's been two weeks since my last post again. I'm not sure how that much time passes so quickly.
I've spent that time looking for work and keeping the house clean so if anyone wants to see it, I can clear out quickly and give them time alone with their agent.
As for the house, we've received some great feedback from everyone on it. The funniest comment was that there were "too many stairs." That made me chuckle. It reminded me of the line from Amadeus, spoken by his patron, "too many notes." So far we haven't had any offers, but one or two couples have returned for a second look, so we don't think it will be long and we're keeping our fingers crossed. Then we have to look for another place to live for a while.
Julia and I started dieting and working out this week. So far it's going really well and we're going to go check out the local YMCA and hopefully sign up and start going.
I have a dozen things on eBay right now. So if you're looking for some "Pirates" stuff from WizKids or some HeroClix Limited Edition figures. They're here. Buy something.
Last Friday was Matt's last day at WizKids, so tonight is his going away party. It should be fun. He's accepted a position back in Canada for BioWare, which is pretty cool. Mike arranged a gaming day tomorrow with him, but I'd already committed to another game day with Tyler. Bummer. I would have liked to spend a little more time with Matt before he goes.
Earlier today Julia and I ran some errands and I finally got a chance to pick up an external hard drive. I've been saving some Christmas money for it and since we were in Fry's neighborhood I picked up a SeaGate FreeAgent Go 120GB hard drive. Considering my two internal hard drives clock in at a whopping 80GB, I have plenty of room.
Happy Leap Day!
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