Sunday, November 22, 2009

Relaxing Weekend and a Belated Anniversary

In my last post I mentioned Jim was leaving for a couple of weeks. That means I get to use his car while he's gone and I definitely took advantage of it this weekend!

After work Friday my boss and a number of people from work went over to a hole-in-the-wall meadery (place that makes and sells mead - honey wine for those who don't know). It was likely the oddest bar I've ever been in because it was in, basically, and small two-story office building that looked like part of a high school built in the '70s; all brushed aluminum and glass, but old. No lights outside and nothing to say, "Hey, come drink here!"

So, I tried mead for the first time and it was good. I haven't been drinking much in the last few years and it was actually sort of hard to drink an entire glass of the stuff. It seemed very thick to me, but really, it was the same as any wine. I think the flavor and the smell was just new to me. Anyway, I liked it, but I only had the one drink.

Saturday morning I slept in, had breakfast at the diner, then spent the day going to used bookstores, comic shops, and just sort of enjoying the ability to drive around and do whatever I wanted. It was great. So relaxing and liberating in a weird sort of way. I'd actually set out to go to a Half-Price Books since I have a gift certificate to use, but the one I found online had closed or moved or never actually existed. But the day was far from a failure; I found a couple of books for a total of $10, a couple of comics for another $10, enjoyed looking over the game store shelves, but didn't buy anything, and found a nice place for lunch.

When I returned home I did some editing, ordered a pizza for dinner, and watched some more of the Middleman DVDs one of the guys at work lent me. Great day.

Sunday I slept in again, had breakfast, worked on some notes for a novel I've been trying to write for, oh, I don't know, five years? And I actually came up with some good ideas for it, so I'm happy about that. Then it was time for laundry! So while I was waiting to change loads I played some Dragon Age on my awesome computer. Then at 2:30 I went to see An Education which Julia loved, so I had to see it. I can't say I loved it, but it was very good and I enjoyed it quite a bit.

On the docket after the movie was changing my flight home for Christmas so I arrive a couple of days earlier. That only cost $75. I'd hoped it would be in that price range and feared it would cost more like $200. Dodged a bullet there!

Now I'm going to do something. I'm not sure what. Dinner? Play more Dragon Age? Write? Read? Watch Middleman? One of those for sure, maybe a couple of them.

Oh, and in the title I mentioned a belated anniversary. That was referring to my blog. I started writing here eight years ago on November 15, 2001. I downloaded a copy of my blog and it seems I've written over 300,000 words here over the past 8 years. For the curious, this is post number 902. Wow, huh?

More soon.


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