Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I Wish

Things have been busy lately. I think I'm tired of saying that, but really, it's true. Julia and I moved in over a week ago, but we still have many boxes that need unpacking -- especially all of my books which I just haven't had time to work on at all. Plus we've been running back and forth to our old places and getting things cleaned up and ready for the final checkout -- and we're trying to rent her place, so we've been back and forth to meet with potential renters. Hopefully we'll get that wrapped up soon.

The house is shaping up, mostly due to Julia's hard work. She's been very busy unpacking and getting things in order upstairs and in her studio. I picked up a cool table from Shana's and found the right screws to put it together (24 of 'em just to attach the legs!). I also put together the bed frame and found some "cups" to protect the floors from the bed's casters. All of this has added up to us clearing out a lot of space for us to actually live in, which is nice. I'll get some photos taken as soon as things are a bit more organized. Maybe in three years, say.

For those of you who aren't in the Seattle area, damn, it's been rainy here lately. It's been about as rainy as people think it is in Seattle, which is saying something. Personally, I don't mind it too much, but it's been pretty annoying because it's been cold, too, and cold rain sucks.

Work is going well. I'll be flying around the country in the next week or two in order to meet with a few of the larger distributors and show off our first game. It will be great to see many of them again, but I wish I could spend a little more time in Madison when I'm there. I think I'll only manage a day there -- maybe a night and a day if I come in the night before and stay over for meetings the next morning.

I constantly marvel at how easy it is to communicate now that we all have email, various chat programs, and Skype up and running. And I keep thinking about how cool it would be to run a roleplaying game over Skype with some other e-tools on my desktop. I have no clue when I'd find the time to do such a thing, but the idea is percolating in my head. I'd definitely be in if Phil said he wanted to run a D&D game for a few of us.

Speaking of games, Seth and I are starting a testrun of some of the things we've been working on for the book we're writing together for another publisher. We'll discuss characters and such next Tuesday and hopefully get started on the campaign that night...even if it's just a brief encounter. In addition, I've been talking to people about starting a Sunday night game that I'd run. The holidays are playing havoc on the scheduling, but I'm sure it'll come together shortly.

Okay, more soon.


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