Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Almost Done!

My big editing project is going well and I'm almost done. In fact one good night of reading and it'll be done and I'll be ready for whatever changes come back from the author since he and I have come up with some additions and changes that are needed. Unfortunately, I have plans for Wednesday night, then I fly home Thursday night and spend the weekend with Julia -- most likely in the garden most of the time! I'm sure there will also be some other fix-it things to handle as well.

Work has been good lately. The really difficult deadline is over and now I'm spending my time cleaning up a bunch of missions and polishing as much as possible. I'm really very happy with how my portion of things have turned out. Not to imply that I'm not happy about the rest of it; it's all good!

This past weekend was a very nice three day weekend and I spent Saturday at a convention in San Ramon with Randy and Amy (who were nice enough to give me a ride). I managed to finagle a badge from a gaming industry buddy who lives in Seattle, but was down at the show to run a booth with his new wife. That was awfully nice of Phil, because I wouldn't have gone if I needed to pay the $50 entry fee. I spent the day walking around and checking out a bunch of games, but only played in one game, but I had a nice time. It was very hard to get back into the swing of attending a show for fun. I'm so used to working at them that I really didn't know what to do with myself. Maybe next time I'll actually indulge in a bit more gaming.

Sunday and Monday I spent at the house, cleaning, doing laundry, editing, watching Saturday Night Live on Netflix, and just generally relaxing. It was nice.

Tonight (Tuesday night) I ran a game at work. I'm very happy with how it's going and I'll probably wrap up this first storyline in the next month. Then hopefully I'll get to play in a game for a while.

Okay, you don't want to hear about my games. I'll update again soon. Hopefully when I'm back in Seattle this weekend.


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