Hero. Me.
Moneywise, things are pretty tight right now. There's issues with my salary due to money issues with the new company. Very little money coming in means it's time to tighten our belts -- and we didn't have all that much disposable income anyway after buying the house. Because money's tight also means it's time for things to break around the house!
First, the dryer stopped drying. I tried a few things and decided that, yes, the heating element would need to be replaced. I opened up the back of the dryer to see what type of element was needed and discovered that one of the eletrical lines had fallen off its connector. I screwed it back into place and, ta-daa, the dryer was fixed!
Second, I was driving to the grocery store the other day and my check engine light went on. Worried that I might have to (somehow) cover hundreds or thousands of dollars' worth of car repairs...I pulled into Jiffy Lube and asked them to see if there might be something fluid-related that might cause the light to turn on. After about 15 minutes in the waiting room the girl came out and told me that there was too much oil by about a half-quart, so they removed some. Shortly after pulling out of the parking lot the check engine light went off and I'd fixed the problem for free! How cool it that?
I am the hero.
I talked to my sister, Jean, on Monday and she told me that Jake (her oldest son, my oldest nephew) started driver's education that night. As usual, I mention a milestone in Jake's life mostly to make my friends from college feel really old. Did it work? I'm sure.
Monday night I played poker. I really shouldn't have because of the money situation, but half-way through the night I was up about $22, but by the end of the evening that was all gone and I was sad. No poker until I get a paycheck on a regular basis.
The D&D game on Sunday was a very good time. They managed to finish cleaning out the rest of the keep with the help of some militiamen (most of whom died when the dragonbat breathed fire on them). Seth was missing because he didn't feel and I'm really sorry he missed what was probably the most fun session so far. Now I need to decide what's going to happen next in the game.
That's also the case with Warhammer game. There are some interesting threads, but they haven't come together into a solid plot just yet. I need to get that ironed out quickly.
Okay, time to go. More soon.
Jake is DRIVING? Gott in Himmel. Thanks, Jon. As if being surrounded by 22 year old students didn't make me feel old enough.
Jesus CHRIST!! Ditto Rob's comment.
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