I Exist!
I added a picture of myself over in the sidebar at the right. The picture was taken at Halloween a few years ago. It's me holding an extended tape measure toward the camera. I figured it would result in a pretty cool picture and I was right.
The week so far has been good, although I think I'm fighting something off. My eyes hurt a bit and I've had a couple of instances of a sore throat, but nothing that's lasted more than a half hour or so. I think I can head this off with enough sleep.
Tuesday morning I got to work, dropped off my stuff, and went for a 30 minute walk around campus. Okay, actually, I walked over to a parking lot, up all the levels and around the top three or four times, then walked back to my desk. I did the same thing this (Thursday) morning. I figured it's the best time of day for me to get in some exercise since I usually arrive by abotu 8:00 and can be done at back at my desk before anyone else is in. My shins are giving me a bit of a problem, but I think I just need to strengthen them a bit.
I'm spending a bit of time every night working on my Green Ronin work, but I'm not getting as much writing done as I'd like, so I'm going to concentrate on that for a while. I've been working on one project for a while now and it's approaching completion, but not as quickly as I'd like. Of course it doesn't have a deadline and isn't on the schedule, so that might explain that.
Otherwise things are good and Julia and I are preparing for the holidays. No tree yet, but only because we don't want to get one that's all wet from the rain. Maybe we'll just have to let it dry out in the garage. I'll let you know.
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