Sunday, March 09, 2003

The weekend went pretty much as I thought, although Matt and I played a lot more Magic than I'd planned. The upshot of which is that I got a lot less writing done than I thought I would. Luckily, I've finished one of the articles I was working on and can now move onto to one of the next ones. These, hopefully, shouldn't take as long -- they're not as rules-involved as the one I just finished.

Last night I went to see Dave Wakeling at the Ballard Firehouse. The venue is just off NW Market Street and, really, is a pretty cool place. I could definitely see going there again. Heck, if I weren't going to be in Vegas next Saturday I'd go see Eek-A-Mouse there. Anyway, the show was very good. The opening band was The Mercury Four, who played surf music (odd choice considering the acts that followed); Ragamuffin, who were a punk-influenced ska band. They were very good. I enjoyed their set a lot. Lots of energy, good music, and an amazing sense of timing (beautiful starts and stops during songs). Lastly, was Dave Wakeling; he and his band did a great job of playing his many hits from The English Beat and General Public. This was the last night of the tour aparently, but I couldn't tell from the energy and sense of fun he had during the whole show. Good stuff.

I went to the gym yesterday and today, but you probably don't care to hear about that, nor, I imagine, are you surprised to hear it.

That's about all. Now it's time for the grocery store and bed. I'm going to try to get in at a reasonable time tomorrow.


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