Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Thank you to everyone for all the cards, emails, phone messages, and in-person birthday wishes. I am very lucky to be surrounded by great people like you.


At August 09, 2005 10:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My dear Jon, I am not great, nor are you surrounded by me. On the contrary, I suck like the vacuum of space and I am far away. On you birthday, I said to Doug "It's Jon's birthday today - I want to call him tonight." Then I failed. I am truly lame. Okay, I was a little distracted by the Supreme Court trial brief I was preparing for a capital murder case, but that's no excuse. That's no excuse because it's not even true, but you probably figured that out because a gentleman scholar such as yourself would have known that Wisconsin is not a death-penalty state. And I am not, in fact, a lawyer.

So, anyway, like Happy Birthday.


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